Provoke & Inspire


3 Keys to Sharing the Gospel With ANYONE!

3 Keys to Sharing the Gospel With ANYONE!

We know we should share the Gospel with those around us, but we rarely do. Why? Often, our hesitation stems

from incorrect thinking. Below are three crucial realizations that can inspire every follower of Jesus to share their faith with others. 

  1. It’s a Process 

Sharing the Gospel with a nonbeliever is intimidating for even the most courageous follower of Jesus. One of the reasons why is that we have reduced our witness to an awkward, often pre-rehearsed speech sprung on a stranger with no context.

If this is what it means to tell someone about Jesus, it’s no wonder few of us do it. For most people and in most cases, sharing the Gospel should be a process that begins the day you meet someone who doesn’t know Jesus. 

From there, your goal should be to develop a genuine friendship with that person. The key is that it’s real. This is not a ‘means-to-an-end’ relationship but someone you grow to love. 

There are steps to be taken from there, but this is where evangelism begins. 

2. Everything Is Spiritual 

Next, we need to recognize that everything is spiritual. For many, developing friendships outside the Church is not too difficult; it’s taking those relationships deeper that’s the problem. 

Solving this problem starts with changing the way we look at the world. If we believe that God created the universe and everything in it, then evidence of Him should be everywhere. 

I am convinced that everyone has a deep sense of the spiritual reality around them and a longing to connect with it. With this as a starting point, I reject the idea that people aren’t interested in spiritual conversations. 

People are hungry for meaningful connections and deep conversation. Recognizing this will give you the confidence to ask your friends spiritual questions. For example: 

What do you think the meaning of life is? 

What happens when we die? 

Do you think there’s more to life than meets the eye? 

Who decides what’s right and what’s wrong? 

You will be surprised how hungry people are to discuss these questions - and once you start, sharing the Gospel will be a natural next step.  

3. It’s a Risk 

Have you ever skied down a steep hill or jumped off a cliff into the water? There’s no gradual way to do it. You can inch closer and closer, but at some point, you have to go for it. The same could be said for sharing the Gospel. 

You can develop great relationships and even have deep spiritual conversations, but at some point, you will need to take a risk and share the Gospel. Very occasionally, the opportunity will be obvious - but that is rare. 

This is because telling someone about Jesus is confrontational. The Cross reveals my sinfulness and need for a Savior. I can’t surrender my life to Jesus and remain in charge. The Gospel is inherently foolish and unpopular, which means no matter how perfectly I set it up or dress it up, it will always be hard to share. 

But life is short, and some things are worth the risk!

Want to listen to the conversation related to this blog? Listen to Episode 488: The FIRST Step to Sharing the Gospel With ANYONE!
Ben Pierce

About the author

Ben Pierce

Ben hosts the popular podcast “Provoke & Inspire Podcast.” He teaches Jesus in the Secular World, a course which provides an in-depth understanding of the secular mindset and practical ways to engage a culture dominated by secularism and moral relativism relevantly.
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