
News, Stories and Events

International Newsletter November 2021

International Newsletter November 2021

Many of our City Teams in the Russian-Speaking World face this extra threat of arrest each time they engage in any sort of outreach. Even still, they boldly share the hope of the Gospel.

“I hurried. Started running back to the area to try to talk with the police, but when I got there, only a few guys from our team remained. The three girls had already been taken to the police station.”

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International Newsletter October 2021

International Newsletter October 2021
The first Steiger Missions School at our International Center in Krögis, Germany in two years was amazing!
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International Newsletter September 2021

International Newsletter September 2021
To comply with Covid restrictions and regulations, six of our leaders came early from Argentina and Colombia and spent 5 days in isolation in the basement of a youth center in Berlin. They then had to be retested for Covid with a negative result.
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International Newsletter August 2021

International Newsletter August 2021
Altogether 2,000 people heard the gospel message through the show and around 50 people made decisions to follow Christ!
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International Newsletter July 2021

International Newsletter July 2021
Let’s live out love, not just read about it!” That was the suggestion made by a secular young man who attends the Bible Study for the Non-Religious
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International Newsletter June 2021

International Newsletter June 2021
“Sometimes there were riots happening outside the apartments during the teaching sessions, and we heard gunshots by the church where some of our Colombian leaders met during the online school in Bogotá.
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International Newsletter May 2021

International Newsletter May 2021

Steiger Europe Director, Luke Greenwood, was on the plane to Bogotá for the second Steiger Intensive Training in Latin America, when he felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to talk with the young man next to him.

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International Newsletter April 2021

International Newsletter April 2021

A spirit of repentance and brokenness swept the living room where 20 young adults from Minneapolis gathered, asking God to break their hearts for the lost and empower them to speak the truth boldly!

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International Newsletter March 2021

International Newsletter March 2021

Our Steiger City Teams are continuing to bravely share the love of Jesus despite persisting global uncertainty and lockdowns - and we are seeing an unbelievable hunger for the Gospel!

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International Newsletter February 2021

International Newsletter February 2021

Steiger launched the Provoke & Inspire Podcast five years ago, and since then it has been listened to in 7,700 cities in over 150 countries and downloaded by more than half a million people.

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International Newsletter January 2021

International Newsletter January 2021

The newly forming Steiger City Team in Colonia Tovar, Venezuela has been walking the streets of their city, covering it in prayer, and talking with whoever the Holy Spirit leads them to.

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International Newsletter December 2020

International Newsletter December 2020

It’s surreal to look back at what we thought 2020 was going to look like. Had it not been for the specific circumstances of this year, we likely would never have planned a North American SMS. Thankfully, God’s plans are always better than our own.

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International Newsletter November 2020

International Newsletter November 2020

Steiger North America’s new regional director, Filipe Machado, spoke these words at their Regional Gathering in Minneapolis in early October. Around fifty Steiger team members from the U.S. were there, and they were in full agreement.

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International Newsletter October 2020

International Newsletter October 2020

Most young people today don’t so much hate God as they just don’t care. How could something so important become so insignificant in the minds of so many?

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International Newsletter September 2020

In June, during a Hope Beyond Fear outreach, the Steiger Poland team took to the streets. Early on in the day, Ania Greenwood met a girl named Wiki. Though she said she was an atheist, she agreed to let Ania pray for her.

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International Newsletter August 2020

We’re in the midst of a global pandemic, a worldwide economic crisis, and social unrest. There is no reason for hope, as an entire generation of young people are confused and fearful. 
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International Newsletter July 2020

“So many there didn’t know the love of Jesus and were crying out for a human answer to a sin problem - you could sense the hurt and anger in the air.”

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International Newsletter June 2020

We’ve grown to a mission with 100 missionaries in 20 countries around the world today!

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International Newsletter May 2020

God led me to launch the Provoke & Inspire Podcast in 2015.

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International Newsletter April 2020

Although the work God has called us to may look different during this season, the message is the same. We have hope in Jesus - hope beyond any fear!

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