By Super User on Thursday, 01 October 2020
Category: News

International Newsletter October 2020

Most young people today don’t so much hate God as they just don’t care. How could something so important become so insignificant in the minds of so many?

Why is the Global Youth Culture walking away from God, and how can we reach them?

Most young people today don’t so much hate God as they just don’t care. How could something so important become so insignificant in the minds of so many?

1) We’ve Never Been More Distracted

The indifference of the Global Youth Culture to God is in part due to distraction. With phones in hand, music in our ears, and limitless entertainment a click away, why ask big questions?

2) The Cost Is Too High

When it comes to Christianity, apathy has become the “modus operandi” for many secular young people. They’re OK with “that Jesus guy” until He starts talking about gender, sin, or hell. Following Jesus would alienate them from their peers - a cost far too high for most to be willing to pay.

3) The Cost Is Too Low

Secular culture is defined by relativism and tolerance. These mindsets send a clear message - there is NO right and NO wrong, apart from the right of each person to decide for themselves. I believe young people today are looking for something to give their lives to. They are tired of the superficiality of modern culture, and the superficial Jesus that requires nothing of them and does nothing to break them out of their apathy.

What they need to see is the real Jesus; the one who breaks through the noise and calls us to radical love. Who fills us with supernatural power and sends us out to change the world.

The cost of following a false Jesus is too high, and the version of Him we’ve presented requires nothing at all. I have seen that when we are willing to present the radical Jesus, the One who requires everything, young people respond!
Ben Pierce

When presented with the real Jesus, young people respond!

The Jesus in the Secular World Small Group Study is now available on RightNow Media!

According to Pew Research, the religiously unaffiliated are the fastest growing “religious group” in the U.S. Secularism and relativism are taking the place of a once biblically-based moral compass, and people are free to decide for themselves what is right and wrong. We have seen the results: a generation of young people living in depression, isolation, and sexual brokenness.

We believe that God is not done writing their story, and He is inviting us to become a part of it. But how? How can we communicate the Gospel to people who have such a negative view of God? How can we show them the love of Jesus in a language they’ll understand?

Steiger has just released a brand new small group video series and study based on Ben Pierce’s book, Jesus in the Secular World! It’s available through RightNow Media and Vimeo, and you won’t want to miss it!

The 8-part series with accompanying study materials is designed to give you an in-depth understanding of the secular mindset, inspire personal revival, and equip you with practical next steps to relevantly engage the secular world with the powerful gospel message.

More info at:

Free with your subscription to RightNow Media

Your small group can learn how to engage the secular world with the Gospel

The team supported Steiger Guadalajara in prayer, encouragement, and evangelism!

Breaking Ground with the North American Pioneer Team!

For the first time ever, we have a Steiger Pioneer Team in North America! With team members hailing from across Europe and South America, their arrival has been months in the making.

Due to COVID travel restrictions, the Pioneer Team had to fly to Mexico and spend two weeks there before they would be allowed to enter the US. Because of the necessary detour, they were able to connect with our rapidly growing Steiger family in Guadalajara, Mexico. The team in Guadalajara was so encouraged to have the Pioneer Team pouring into them for a couple of weeks!

Now in the United States, our Pioneer Team is a vital part of the North American Steiger Missions School. In the midst of training and equipping a select group of students to be part of future US City Teams, the team is also strengthening partnerships with local churches and ministries.

The Pioneer Team is a tangible step toward our vision of building 20 Steiger City Teams in 20 cities throughout North America by 2025. We are so excited to see how God will bring it all to fruition!

A global event that will empower Christian artists to change the world! Oct. 30 - Nov. 1 • Online (via Zoom) and free! Registration is required, as capacity is limited.

See if we will be coming to your city and join us as we reach out to today’s global youth!

Steiger Missions School 2021 applications opening soon. Apply as early as possible! Visit:

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