
News, Stories and Events

International Newsletter January 2019

NLM: Taking the Hope of Jesus to the Darkest Corners of Our Cities

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International Newsletter December 2018

Steiger Middle East Is Expanding Its Reach!

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International Newsletter November 2018

Steiger’s current booming growth in Latin America started with a simple act of obedience in 2010.

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International Newsletter October 2018

Steiger Unleashes Another Wave of World Changers!

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International Newsletter September 2018

When Confronted with God's Love, the Walls of Hate Crumble

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International Newsletter August 2018

Steiger missionary band Nuteki playing and preaching in Kazakhstan and Russia

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International Newsletter July 2018

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather a willingness to step through fear.
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International Newsletter June 2018

When I was finished, the studio audience began to clap, but the host signaled for them to be quiet. I could tell he was surprised to hear me explain the Gospel in a non-religious way.
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International Newsletter May 2018

Steiger Beirut: Reaching Globalized Middle Eastern Youth

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International Newsletter April 2018

For three months, the Steiger team in Ukraine had been working with partners in Moscow, asking for legal permission to come and preach on the streets of Russia’s capital city.
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International Newsletter March 2018

On any given weekend, we are seeing many creative street teams boldly preaching the Gospel in cities all over the Russian-speaking world, parts of Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand, and South America.
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International Newsletter February 2018

One second I was talking with my dad and Valery (one of Steiger’s Ukrainian missionaries), and an instant later, it felt as though a bomb had gone off.
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International Newsletter January 2018

There is move of God happening in Colombia! In December, 134 people from more than 40 churches in 5 cities attended the first Steiger Compact School in Colombia.
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International Newsletter December 2017

“I couldn’t fall asleep last night... I was thinking about what you told me about God.” These are the words of Dima, a young man we met on the streets of Kiev, Ukraine.
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International Newsletter November 2017

The following is the first article of a blog series by Ben Pierce (found on devoted to addressing the main obstacles to millennials becoming effective, full-time missionaries.
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International Newsletter October 2017

As a result of increasing terrorism, the Syrian refugee crisis, and a failed military coup in July 2016, Turkey has been under a state of emergency for over a year, and a tightly contested referendum in April gave almost dictatorial powers to its president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
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International Newsletter September 2017

This summer, over 100 students and volunteers from 20 countries attended the Steiger Missions School in Germany. They are the next generation of dynamic, creative Steiger missionaries who will reach the Global Youth Culture for Jesus!
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International Newsletter August 2017

Last month, No Longer Music performed thirteen consecutive shows across Albania, a majority Muslim nation where less than half of one percent of the population is Evangelical Christian.
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International Newsletter July 2017

Ask anyone on the street what their biggest problem with Christians is and many will undoubtedly respond, “They’re all hypocrites!” Scathing accusations are hurled against the cornered believer: “Love your neighbor, huh?! Christians are the first ones to cut me off in traffic!”
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International Newsletter June 2017

I just returned from the crazy and dangerous city of Bogotá, Colombia, with Chad Johnson and my son Ben, where we had a Provoke & Inspire conference designed to challenge Christian artists to use their God-given creativity to proclaim the Gospel outside the church.
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