Fuel The Global Missionary Movement

Fuel The Global Missionary Movement

Millions of young people around the world will not step foot into a church

This is not just a trend or statistics; these are our brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends, and co-workers. As followers of Jesus, it’s clear we need to respond… but how?

Steiger mobilizes followers of Jesus to reach young people who would not walk into a church.

Our vision is to raise up a radical missionary movement that will transform the Global Youth Culture for Jesus.

$350,000 Matching Pledge

Three of our generous partners have committed a $350,000 matching pledge to fuel Steiger’s global missionary movement. All gifts made towards Steiger’s Global Missionary Movement Campaign between May 15 and June 30 will be matched 100%, dollar for dollar.

Gifts made to the Global Missionary Movement Campaign will support the expansion of Steiger’s mission, including right here in the USA.

$318,734 raised of $350,000

So what does Steiger do?

  1. We mobilize the next generation of Christian leaders to fuel an evangelism and discipleship movement reaching secular culture for Jesus

  2. We establish long-term missionary teams that reach and disciple the global youth culture

  3. We train the church to reach the secular culture of their communities

What do we expect in 2024?

  • Mobilize 10,000 young believers to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture

  • Train 200 young dynamic leaders at the Steiger Missions School

  • Establish and run teams (MVMTs and City Teams) in 150 cities around the world

  • Engage in dynamic frontline evangelism reaching 100,000 people leading to 10,000 discipleship event attendees

  • Train the Church through 40,000 live training attendees and 300,000 resource engagements

Where are we active?

Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Scotland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA, and Venezuela!


What will your support go towards?

  • $100 per month can help support one of our catalytic leaders in a developing country.

  • $1,000 provides a scholarship for a young missional leader to attend the Steiger Missions School.

  • $2,000 fuels an Impact Event with training and evangelistic actions with local churches.

  • $5,000 funds a large evangelistic event or concert in a city.

  • $7,500 helps fuel a Steiger MVMT in a city for a year, including regular evangelistic and discipleship projects.

  • $10,000 funds a community house or similar space for discipleship.

Other Giving Options

Click the button below or send a check made out to "Steiger International" to the following address:

Steiger International, PO Box 236, Wheaton IL 60187

Feel free to contact us directly at 630-665-3263 or email us at

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